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6th Semester Internship

Bracing herself for the 6 month long internship she bade goodbye to the comforting familiarity of student life and instead welcomed the deep-dive into working for an established game company.

Main Game I worked on: ​Knights of Fortune

Timeframe: 6 months

Role: Game Design | QA | Social Media


About the company: Flying Sheep Studios uses HTML5 to build games for (mobile) browsers and apps. It was founded in 2014 in Cologne and created over 200 for clients or their own IPs while also working with known brands such as Barbie, LEGO and DreamWorks.


About my time there: As one of the two Game Design interns I was mainly tasked to take over the Game Design of their own IP "Knights of Fortune", which is funded by the Film- und Medienstiftung NRW. 
To test my then set of skills I was grouped up with two other people to create a small game clone from scratch. This included spending most of the time in excel sheets and iterations upon iterations as well as maintaining the game design document and keeping in touch with the other two to sync up our progress.
Besides skill balancing, research and QA testing I joined weekly meetings and got insights into Game Design processes through the creative producer Guido Göbbels. At times I helped with client commissions when it came to feedback, testing or brainstorming.
Due to the pandemic I was allowed to work from home, but met the team through a meet-up in Cologne once.




  • Game Design & Balancing

  • QA Preparations & Testing

  • Social Media upkeep

  • Community Management

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